Deep Work- How focused work can bring peace and happiness to your life

Came across this self-help book "Deep Work' by Cal Newport. Very surprised to have a CS professor writing self-help books. The topic that he chose as well is for efficient working by concentration.

The interesting concept he talks about is attention residue theory. Attenttion residue is a concept which is on the other side of multi-tasking. Cal says that in 1990's he thinks people were reported to multi-task example: checking their inbox but also talking to a person at the same time. He says post 1990, the general trend is not just multi-tasking but a concept called attention residue. Meaning while doing work, we switch to social media like Facebook, youtube etc. We switch tasks before the task is complete. The attention residue theory states that when a task is switched, our brain still has attential residually stored while doing the other task. What this leads to is while getting back to work from your social media distraction, your attention residue of social media still stops from paying full attention and focus to your current task. Deep work, he says, is not attained when there is attention residue on a consistent basis.

Learning this concept, even though I lost my attention as I was so eager to share, I thought why not just share it and reduce my attention residue for my other work and of course for listening to the complete podcast as well (Yes, I have been so pre-mature in sharing this book for the idea and the concept of attention residue).

Deep Work

Some gist of the rules can be found below:

Find goodreads link here:

Also, I must thank Mani Vaya for 2000 books- Business book Summaries podcast on Spotify where he has interviews for various self-help book authors and gets the gist from them. They are so good in quality. You should check them out here in Spotify:


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