Peculiarities of Various Tollywood Music Directors

Friends , Many of us  keep our ears blocked for most of the time with earphones or Headphones (cleaning the ears purpose also being solved :P) by listening to Various Songs. When we being 'Telugu Talli' infantry (biddalam :P), we mostly listen to Tollywood Songs which are composed mostly in the recent times by either of these professionals.
Chakri,Manisharma,Devisri Prasad, M.M.Keeravani, S.S.Thaman,Sandeep Chowtha, Harris Jayaraj, Yuvan Shankar Raja and fortunately World's maestro A.R.Rehman. All these people except Rehman and Yuvan , have peculiarities and Hilarious things about their music.

1) Chakri : This man always wants noise in his songs (Gola :P) . He also loves to take songs from foreign albums(u know many). He,nevertheless , makes some melodies which really sound good forever. He is a big Shelter( Anda) for the industry :P but he seems out of the top Movies' preference list nowadays.
2) Manisharma : He is the typical orthodox Tolly music director. His Background score always be's the same (may be he suggests his troop confessing Telugu audience only encourage these type of sounds) and his tunes never ever be unique.They may be good or even excellent to listen but never special. In the recent times, he is seemingly running of stock and thus his audios are not sounding decent.
3) Devisri Prasad : This person is the most successful Tolly MD as far as success rate is concerned. He has got immense talent and his background scoring is his strength. He mostly repeats his background score in the stanza of the song if u observe songs in films like Shankardada MBBS. This person has got a peculiarity of copying (or rather going in the direction of) his own songs rather than from Others' songs :P
4) M.M.Kreem : He is a reputed MD in our industry being most experienced. He has got talent of making sweet melodies which always are easily identifiable.His peculiar voice adds uniqueness (or rather weirdness :P) to his songs. He always his reputation as he is witty doing only limited no of audios especially of S.S.Rajamouli from whose movies he always gets credits irrespective of the songs.( as his films never bomb at BO).
5)S.S.Thaman: He is a young talent and a modest one too as he doesn't hike his remuneration inspite of having many successes at BO. This guy always gets interested in Tribal sounds ( like "Maa tee re Mo Sa" in "Sir Osthara" song in Businessman,)Even in songs and Backgrounds of Dhookudu,Brindavanam,Kick ;he gives them the tribal touch. Nevertheless, he has shown his variations in "Love Failure" where he completely changed his identity.He is more or less the best commercial MD for Tollywood.
6) Sandeep Chowtha: He is a guest MD for tollywood but he always creates sensational songs (even though some are mere copies). His songs always doesn't suit telugu lyrics ,which may be the reason for some reasonably awkward lyrics in his songs (like "Super" ) but his songs create hype for his raps and background score.Thus, he adds new colour to Tolly Music.
7) Harris Jayaraj : He showcased talent with blockbusters like Gharshana,Ghajini etc, initially and though his tunes and backgrounds always have his trademark, they always impress a listener as he uses guitar effectively rather than any other MD. He got his peculiarity like backgrounding with holy words like "Haleluya" ( if u listen to the ending part of "Okamaru" song from Ghajini , u can get that from chorus. His songs are long lasting in the hearts of our people.  :P
                              In this way, our tollywood is facing these many type of varieties of Musical Avatars , and I want to be one of them too if given chance. :P



  1. !)YOU have forgotten "Creative musical director YUVAN SANKAR RAJA" who always comes with new tunes and composing and he is quite different from many other composers....this guy has huge following in our tolly wood too....

    2)Analyse & write about new music director...."GHIBRAN" i want ur info dude AMMU


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