Being a student of NIT Warangal, I proudly confess that the kind and quality of ragging that happens in NITW  is  unbeatable.It all starts off with a sweet fear in the junior’s face while facing seniors for the first time to the sore marks on the same face at the end of the year but with a grave smile of Archimedes that he is now a senior.
                                      Namely , golden night is an unofficial event at NITW which takes place when seniors decide to call it (torture/vengeance/even attitude of juniors)  a day and so they make it all in a night.This event(sensation rather) depends on the different regions of people having their own accord for the occasion to happen.Generally, when the year is on brink of end, the seniors plan this event starting it by calling the juniors around 2 p.m. even forcing them to bunk the classes.Then, the seniors start ending their above mentioned feelings by starting to slap the juniors for every small mistake in their bio-datas of their co-batchmates.Thus, juniors in this process start concentrating more on the BD’s but seniors intervene abruptly and hit them ruthlessly to settle their previous accounts/ grudges.The only positive for the juniors being to have free food and as time goes on,intensity graph increases exponentially and finally,when saturation is reached,the grudges are breached and then when the juniors’ take the Freshers’ invitation card with crooked faces and make seniors their dearest friends,they feel like “Oh God,alas its ultimately over!!but from now on ‘ADIDAS’(Impossible is nothing in College, from politics to rowdism)!!!!"


  1. Want more updates regarding GOLDEN NIGHTS :-)

  2. i can but unfortunately NITW adminstration has become a bit strict these days.... thus reducing its intensity... ( elimination not possible :P ) so it might be difficult to update :)

  3. thanq teen if u r really teen,I'm really keen to see ur blog :P


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