Is veganism philosophically sound?Why vegans can/cannot consider drinking milk for protein?

Hey health freak! (sorry not you, I am). So this is a stepwise debate I fought with myself on 'Why vegans can/cannot consider drinking milk for protein' using the internet. Even though some sources can't be claimed by me to be true, all the sources I used for my arguments seemed reliable to me. Better believe me than do the hardwork again :P I think this argument started with this thought in my mind: So can I really not say protein if I am a vegan is the question I tried to answer indirectly. Firstly, for mostly Indian population (as I am an Indian), So can I really not say protein if I am a vegan is the question I tried to answer indirectly. Firstly, for mostly Indian population (as I am an Indian), veganism is both the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals. (Wiki) This basically means that they don't consume even milk as milk feeders (MILF...